“Pirating Texts” – an Interview with Grant Glass

Collage of Robinson Crusoe covers

Grant Glass is a PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill and a Graduate Fellow at Duke University, focusing on work in digital humanities and British literature. Grant led a research team during the summer of 2018 to create Pirating Texts, a project related to his dissertation work using algorithmic text analysis to find social, historical, and literary … Continue reading ““Pirating Texts” – an Interview with Grant Glass”

Open Access Week – An Interview with Todd Bowser

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What is Open Access to you, and why does it matter? Open Access is a means of reclaiming the authors’ rights of individuals who do research, and leveraging those rights to create permanent and equitable access to the intellectual output of research communities. Not enough people talk about the idea of a public knowledge commons, … Continue reading “Open Access Week – An Interview with Todd Bowser”